Our Policies
This policy sets out our view of our corporate responsibilities for the environment and communities in which we operate and for the well-being of our staff, partners, public and clients. Some of these responsibilities are spelled out in more detail in other documents.
Every person we work with and for makes important and unique contributions to the community, to their own organizations, and to our work. We appreciate and honour their diversity in every way it manifests itself and encourage diversity as basic in all out interaction with the community and with our partners, associates, employees and clients.
We acknowledge our responsibility to care for our employees, to provide them with meaningful employment through which they can support themselves and their families, and to do everything possible to ensure their ongoing workplace welfare, health, and safety.
We are committed to ensuring our clients and the general public have a secure and safe environment, and we attempt to safeguard their property, including intellectual property, just as much as we would protect our own.
Through the operation of our Environmental Policy, our Policy on Equality and Diversity and our Health and Safety Policy, we seek to improve and maintain the environment in the communities in which we operate. We oppose both child labour and forced labour and do not engage in either practice.
We at RAPPORT SECURITY SERVICES LIMITED pride ourselves in dealing with our employees, business partners, and clients in an honourable and honest way always.
RAPPORT SECURITY SERVICES LIMITED wishes to ensure their employees that we minimize any negative impact our operations could potentially have on the environment.
Accordingly, our policy is to:
Always strive to better our performance regarding environmental issues and use the best environmental management practices as part of our business operations.
Try to minimize our use of resources and to attempt to efficiently use those resources that we must consume.
Attempt to reduce our carbon footprint to comply with our targeted objectives.
Responsibly apply the principles of waste reduction, waste reuse and waste recycling as per our waste management practices.
Try to prevent pollution at our premises and work sites.
Take environmental issues and energy performance into account in facility purchases, design, refurbishment and management.
Take environmental issues, including climate change, into account when buying services and goods.
Obey all applicable environmental laws and regulations.
The company monitors progress on these goals, seeks feedback from employees and customers on these issues, and informs employees about the importance of environmental issues. We work with our employees, service partners, landlords and their agents and customers to improve our performance on environmental issues. We take sustainability and other environmental issues into account when providing security services.
RAPPORT SECURITY SERVICES LIMITED members and staff oppose racism and sexism in all the forms in which it is manifested. We pledge to implement policies that treat all persons in all the functions of our business equally on the basis of race, sex, class, colour, ethnic origin, nationality, sexuality, marital status, age, trade union activity or membership, physical or mental disability, or religious belief. We endeavour to promote these values within the places where we operate and with individuals, organizations or entities that we come into contact with.
RAPPORT SECURITY SERVICES LIMITED is dedicated to taking action to carrying out this policy.
RAPPORT SECURITY SERVICES LIMITED states that it is an equal opportunities employer. Accordingly:
In providing Security Services and employing persons to provide these services, RAPPORT SECURITY SERVICES LIMITED endeavours to make any employment decisions on the basis of equality of opportunity and fair treatment for all persons.
No one or group seeking services, a job, or contracts with us will be treated with discrimination on the basis of sex, sexuality, age, race, class, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, marital status, trade union membership or activity, physical or mental disability, or religious belief.
Rapport Security Services Limited, in the course of implementing this policy, will strive to aid disadvantaged person groups to benefit from its provided services, and attempt to identify the needs of such persons and groups.
We will compile and review records of the ethnic/racial origin and sex of everyone applying for services or jobs from us to aid in implementing this equal opportunity policy.
RAPPORT SECURITY SERVICES LIMITED strives to take strict measures to monitor and control Health & Safety as an integral part of running our business operation. Dr. Sohail Termezi is responsible for communicating this policy to all employees.
2. We will, so far as is possible:
a. Make sure that all working practices and work equipment are safe and that they do not pose a risk or hazard to Safety and Health.
b. Make sure that needed measures are carried out to safely use, store, and transport all substances and materials.
c. Give all needed training, supervision, instruction and information to make sure that all employees have a working environment that does not endanger their Health or Safety.
d. Control all workplaces, equipment and utilized transport in a condition that is safe and free from Health and Safety risks
e. Make sure that employees have access to adequate facilities to safeguard their welfare
f. Take measures to protect the Health and Safety of visitors, contractors and any members of the public who could be impacted by our operations
g. Give employees all needed information concerning procedures to protect their Health and Safety and the Health and Safety of others, and, when needed, consult with them to improve how our company handles these issues.
h. Make sure that all employees carry out their Health and Safety responsibilities and work with management to carry out this policy
i. Monitor how this policy is carried out in the workplace.
j. Make Sure sufficient funds are available to implement this statement.
3. Accident Reporting – reporting of employee absence 7 day as per RIDDOR 2013 legislation)
For Additional information go to www.hse.gov.uk/ simple-health-safety/index.htm.
Company name: will also regularly review this policy to see if any changes are needed.
RAPPORT SECURITY SERVICES LIMITED is renowned for providing top-notch security services and has strong relationships with our customers, earning their respect over time.
This policy ensures we provide relevant, truthful, timely, and complete information in response to media inquiries.
This policy applies to all company personnel.
Designation of Company Spokesperson
The Company Director is the designated media spokesperson. Employees are not authorized to make statements to the media on behalf of the company or its clients. All media communications must be directed to the Director.
Media Communication Guidelines
If contacted by the media, employees should forward the call to corporate communications, informing reporters that all questions are referred to the Company Director. Media inquiries should be handled with professionalism and prompt referral to the Director.
Photograph and Film Guidelines:
Media requests to take photos or film inside company premises must be approved by the Company Director, who will consult with the site manager. Media representatives should not be allowed to enter without permission, and they should not obstruct access to our facilities.
Seeking Media Coverage:
Employees with story ideas for the media must get approval from the Company Director before contacting the media. Some news may be more appropriate for internal promotion rather than public coverage.
RAPPORT SECURITY SERVICES LIMITED recognizes its responsibility to the wider community and the role it must play in protecting the public.
All our officers are empowered to report suspicious activity and behavior to the police.
There is also an expectation that if in the course of their day-to-day duties our officers see evidence of criminal activity or anti-social behavior, they will either report it directly to the local police or do so via their control center. If they do identify such incidents the officers are instructed, they must not put themselves at risk of harm or injury. The officers have also received a similar instruction if they identify vulnerable people that may require protection to ensure their safety.
Members of the management team will encourage all employees to get awareness training in ACT. This is a NACTSO (The National Counter Terrorism Security Office) led initiative which asks businesses and other organizations to consider their preparedness for terrorist attack. It explores what is likely to happen in the event of a terrorist attack and identifies the measures that can assist in preventing, handling and recovering from such an incident.O
Our Security Guards are trained to identify vulnerable people and know what steps to take to protect them. The aim is to enable Security staff to support police in taking an active role in ensuring the safety of the public.